Thursday, February 14, 2013

Are men really from mars

Why is it that we women are so different from men? Is it really our emotions that become us that makes us so different? Are we letting society, the world as we know it put a wedge between women and men; and no ladies we are not talking about shoes here. That will come at a later date. We as Women are known for our emotional roller coasters, makeup, hair product, and fashion to society  We are indeed emotional creatures as are men they just have their own way of showing it.

I think that men do feel things that may be uncomfortable to them. They do feel things they just have their own way of showing it; and that is the key word here, showing. We women are very verbal about how we feel and what went on through the day. Men not so much, they are definitely showers and not tellers. They show through body language, facial expression and random acts.

We women need to pay more attention to how our men is acting instead of bitching about how insensitive they are. we need to remember they might saying something that is hurtful to us thinking its nothing because they are not good with words or timing at that. When we dress to impress don't ask him how you look, instead watch his facial expression.

Sometimes they are able to communicate but us women are always deep in thought or talking and not paying attention. For example my husband asked my to marry him 5 time outside of a theatre before I even heard him because I wouldn't shut up! I can promise you that this ruins his future sweet loving attempts. So when out on dates, car rides, or alone pay close attention to what he is saying and his body language and facial expressions. This will not only help you catch his sweet side but also show interest in him.

That's what men like just as we do; by showing interest in what he is saying we will make him happy, learn things about him, and encourage him to show his sweet side, which we women are always wanting to see. Doing these thing will help all around with our relationships. Always remember that they are human and will make mistakes and say the wrong thing from time to time. Just be patient with them.

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